Sunday 12 October 2014

What I Did In The Holidays

On the Friday we finished school I went to the caravan in orewa.We stayed up there for 13 nights & 14 days.When we were
there we went to the movies we went to watch the Box Trolls (:It was a cool movie:) We also went to
the swim centre (:That's were I do swimming lessons:) And Dad came to watch me. At the caravan 
 I played spot light wit my friends.
We had to come back home for Holly to go to Mali's party.
When we went back to the caravan we went horse riding, I learnt how to ride by myself and go trotting a bit.
There is a big pine tree at the caravan and I climbed almost up to the top. Grandma came and spent a day with us and we went out for lunch

By Morgan

Sunday 21 September 2014

Welcome to my blog

I am learning to post on my blog using an iPad.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

At Rotorua

On Friday I went to Rotorua it was really cold.I was sick most of the time but I still injured it. First
we went to a maze we made it to the middle of the maze and back again. Then we had lunch at a farm
Then we went back to the motel and had a spa bath. The next day I went to the big splash I got saturated but I didn't scream we also played on the play ground it was fun. The next day were going back home. But before we went home we went to the surf club for dinner (:It was fun:) Then we went

By Morgan.


Monday 21 July 2014

Weather Story

There was a big crash on the roof of my room and my sisters roof Holly got scared so mum and dad said go calm her down so I did. But when I wanted to go back to my bed I found my dad in it he was fast a sleep so I had to sleep in Holly's bed so I had to sleep with Holly. We heard another noise Holly Holly didn't get scared like last time. We went outside and saw what was making the noise. It was some rats in a tree that had fallen down! and that's when we realised that the power went off the rats scared Holly but I told her that the rats are scared of us. We got over it and went back to go inside dad was still in my bed I  decided that I wanted to not sleep with Holly and since I felt really REALLY cold I went out to the lounge I put on the tv I put a lump of cushions on me I looked like a tortoises with a green shell. I made my breakfast (toast). The toaster didn't go on. I forgot that the power went off. But when I got back in the cushions I felt a little bit warmer when mum and dad came out they made me lunch it was yummy I got dressed at 6:00 we got in the car and drove to school at 6:30 we saw a tree fallen down and a gate crashed Holly thought that a big foot had came last night when we 
got to school we saw a cars window crashed open Holly and I felt a bit scared when we got into the
class I felt good and warm.


Saturday 19 July 2014

In The Hoiladays

In the holidays I went to my Cousins there was 12 kids there. We played pin the badge on the lego person then we watched the lego movie.  My grandma had broken her ankle so she couldn't do to much.
We went to see Training Dragons 2. I saw Ethan S and Ethan J and also Lincoln from Holly's class. They were there with skids.
On the second week of the holidays the rain stopped so we went to the caravan. We rode our bikes every day. We went to the playground and also played on the trampoline. On the last night we went to the surf club for dinner with our friends Cody and Cheryl, I had two big glasses of coke and raspberry.
On the way home from the caravan I went to the orthodontist to get my plate fixed because it kept falling out. 
Tonight is our last night before school tomorrow and we are going to the boat club for dinner, yum.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Holiday Movie

On Saturday me and my family went to the movies it was cool! We saw The Pirate Fairy. My favourite fairy was the Pirate Fairy she was awesome. I liked the other Fairy's too. I had heap's of popcorn

Monday 2 June 2014

Room 9 Assembly

On Friday we ran the class Assembly. I felt a bit nervous but I still did it. I also had butterflies in my tummy. I felt weird. When my speech was done I felt good. I wanted to do it again. We are going to but we have to organise it. I hope it's exciting and I hope I don't get stage fright.